WHO Response (Noncommunicable diseases)

Submitted by dinara on

The WHO Regional Office for Africa has worked with Member States and partners to strengthen the prevention and management of NCDs, mental, neurologic, and substance use disorders to achieve the Sustainable development goal (SDG) target 3.4: Reduce premature mortality from NCDs by a third by 2030.

To do this, the WHO Regional Office for Africa has taken leadership in coordination, partnership, and resource mobilization; contributed to the generation of strategic information and knowledge products; developed technical products, services, and tools; and facilitated country support through technical assistance and capacity strengthening. 

Based on the Brazzaville declaration on NCD prevention and control in the WHO African Region in 2011, priority areas of NCDs in the WHO African Region include cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases, hemoglobinopathies (sickle cell diseases), mental disorders, oral diseases, eye and ear disorders, in addition to violence and injuries.

In recent years, the WHO Regional Office for Africa has developed various regional NCD strategies, including: