WHO Health Emergencies Programme

WHO Health Emergencies Programme

Public health emergencies in the African Region present a complex and multifaceted challenge that demands a comprehensive and collaborative response. The Region carries the highest burden of public health emergencies globally, with over 100 major events reported each year.  Often, these emergencies, which include outbreaks of Ebola, cholera, measles, yellow fever, meningitis, and monkeypox, severely impact vulnerable populations, strain fragile healthcare systems, disrupt essential health services, and threaten the economy. 

Strengthening Africa's Resilience in the Face of Emergencies

In the face of these challenges, the World Health Organization African Region (WHO AFRO) stands committed to saving lives and reducing suffering during times of crisis, whether caused by conflict, disease outbreaks, or natural disasters. Aligned with the International Health Regulations, WHO AFRO collaborates closely with countries and partners to rapidly identify, verify, and respond to incidents of international public health concern. Our mission is to enhance preparedness and response capabilities, strengthen healthcare systems, and ensure that the people of Africa receive the support they need to mitigate the impact of public health emergencies.

About us

The Emergency Preparedness and Response Cluster (EPR), formerly known as the WHO Health Emergency (WHE) Programme, was established in 2016 and works with national governments in the African Region to strengthen their capacity to prevent, prepare for, detect, and respond to health emergencies. The EPR cluster brings together the expertise and resources of the previously separate programmes on outbreaks and humanitarian crises to streamline emergency response efforts.

Since 2016, WHO AFRO has supported Member States on more than 200 public health emergency responses and has come to be recognized as the lead agency in implementing emergency response efforts among the United Nations.

What We Do

The World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa (WHO AFRO) plays a critical role in coordinating international efforts to address public health emergencies in the region and strengthen the capacity of African countries to respond to such crises. Our work aims to improve prevention, preparedness, detection, and recovery. Within 48 hours of an emergency, WHO AFRO: 

  • Grades the severity of the health threat; 
  • Activates the incident management system with a designated team functioning out of emergency operating centres in the regional and country offices; 
  • Releases funds from WHO’s Contingency Fund for Emergencies;
  • Deploys a team of emergency responders and activates stockpiles of essential supplies, including personal protective equipment, medicines, and vaccines; 
  • Establishes a network communication systems and base camps, where needed;  
  • Communicates the risk to the community and neighbouring countries through official International Health Regulations (2005) procedures.

Our leadership team

 Dr Abdou Salam Gueye 
Regional Emergency Director

Full biography

 Dr Fiona Braka
Team Lead, Emergency Operations

Featured news

Democratic Republic of the Congo deepens investigation on cluster of illness and community deaths in Equateur province
Democratic Republic of the Congo deepens investigation on cluster of illness and community deaths in Equateur province
WHO supports Democratic Republic of the Congo reinforce efforts to diagnose disease in remote area 
WHO supports Democratic Republic of the Congo reinforce efforts to diagnose disease in remote area
Reinforcing expertise in safe and dignified burials during outbreaks
Reinforcing expertise in safe and dignified burials during outbreaks
Senegal becomes first African country to establish Emergency Medical Team following WHO standards
Senegal becomes first African country to establish emergency medical team following WHO standards

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