WHO and University of Katyavala Bwila Partner to Enhance Health Initiatives in Angola

WHO and UKB with the signed MoU
©WHO/Omotola Akindipe

WHO and University of Katyavala Bwila Partner to Enhance Health Initiatives in Angola

Benguela, Angola, July 9, 2024 — The World Health Organization (WHO) and the University of Katyavala Bwila (UKB) in Benguela celebrated a significant milestone today with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) aimed at enhancing health research, organising capacity-building health activities, and improving strategic decision-making through better information sharing. This collaboration marks a commitment to support the government by fostering innovative health solutions and evidence-based interventions that will improve health outcomes across Benguela and Angola to achieve universal health coverage.

The signing ceremony, held at UKB, was attended by notable figures, including the Vice Governor of Benguela, Adilson Dellany Martins Gonçalves, and the Administrator of Catumbela, José Ferreira. The event was presided over by the Rector of UKB, Professor Albano Vicente Lopes Ferreira, and WHO Representative Dr. Zabulon Yoti, demonstrating the high level of commitment from both institutions.

Dr. Yoti, in his address following the signing, emphasised the strategic nature of the partnership: "This collaboration between WHO and Katyavala Bwila University is not just about advancing health research; it's about creating a sustainable framework that integrates educational excellence to develop practical solutions tailored to the needs of Angola’s health sector.”

Rector Albano Ferreira stated that the MoU represents a fundamental strategic objective for UKB from 2022 to 2027, aiming to create an academic environment conducive to practical learning and to engage the university in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

WHO, Provincial and Municipal Authorities together after the signing of the MoU

©WHO/Omotola Akindipe

This collaboration prioritises advancing health research with innovative, evidence-based interventions, boosting the skills of health professionals, students, and community members through capacity-building activities in line with Angola’s health sector development plan and its national development plan, and improving data flow between UKB and WHO for better decision-making and planning.

This partnership is notable as it represents WHO's first formal collaboration with a university outside Luanda and is the third MoU WHO has signed with academic institutions in Angola. This initiative highlights WHO's commitment to enhancing health education and research as well as promoting multisector collaboration for better and more sustainable context specific scientific interventions.

The MoU signing coincides with UKB's selection as a Country Connector for Research4Life, marking Angola's introduction to an exclusive group of 11 Country Connectors worldwide. This status will enable Angola, for the first time, to access a broad spectrum of academic and professional peer-reviewed content, significantly benefiting health research and education.

Dr. Zabulon Yoti shaking hands with a traditional leader

©WHO/Omotola Akindipe

Post-signature, WHO representatives toured UKB's facilities and visited the ongoing "Jango Comunitário" project near the university, which was launched in April 2024 with WHO support. This initiative highlights the practical application of the MoU's objectives, focusing on health promotion and community engagement in partnership with local and provincial government bodies.

Today's MoU signing demonstrates strong partnerships that support the government's efforts to improve Angola’s health sector ensuring that we serve the vulnerable and leave no one behind.

WHO with UKB students
©WHO/Omotola Akindipe
WHO delivering a speech to a packed room after signing the MoU
©WHO/Omotola Akindipe
WHO and Rector of UKB with signed MoU
©WHO/Omotola Akindipe
WHO and UKB with the signed MoU
©WHO/Omotola Akindipe
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For Additional Information or to Request Interviews, Please contact:
Omotola Akindipe

External Relations Officer
WHO Angola
akindipeo [at] who.int