Botswana News

Dr Namboze urges UN family to ensure the workplace is a happy and positive environme...

Gaborone, Botswana - 20 September 2019: The UN family in Botswana engaged in various activities that enriched celebration of the UN wellness day. The theme for the day was “A Healthy Body A Healthy Mind” with significant focus on Mental health, especially as it relates to the workplace. In her remarks at the event, Dr Namboze emphasized the importance of everybody contributing to ensure that the workplace is a happy, healthy and safe environment in line with WHO’s definitions of health and mental health.

Botswana’s Minister of Health and Wellness welcomes the new WHO Representative

Gaborone, Botswana - 07 August 2019: This morning, the Minister of Health and Wellness Honourable Dr Alfred Madigele welcomed Dr Josephine Namboze, the new WHO Representative to Botswana. Minister Madigele intimated that he was happy to meet and welcome Dr Namboze, whose reputation preceded her. The Minister indicated that he had been told of the great achievements and successes that Dr Namboze had in Eritrea.

The Executive Secretary of SADC hosts the WHO Representative as he bids farewell

Gaborone, Botswana - 26 July 2019: Dr Stergomena Lawrence Tax, The Executive Secretary of the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC), this morning, hosted Dr Martins Ovberedjo, the WHO Representative to Botswana (WR), who was bidding her farewell as he completes his tour-of-duty in Botswana. Dr Ovberedjo has served in Botswana since January 2016 and he is leaving on re-assignment to Eritrea.

WHO Representative to Botswana finishes tour of duty on re-assignment

Gaborone, Botswana - 25 July 2019: This morning, His Excellency Dr Mokgwetsi E.K. Masisi, President of the Republic of Botswana, hosted Dr Martins Ovberedjo, the WHO Representative to Botswana (WR), who was bidding him farewell as he completes his tour-of-duty in Botswana. Dr Ovberedjo has served in Botswana since January 2016 and he is leaving on re-assignment to Eritrea.

Botswana launches Multi-sectoral NCD Strategy

Gaborone - 14 June 2019: The President of Botswana, His Excellency President Dr Mokgweetsi E. K. Masisi, committed his government to delivering on the promise of the National Multi-sectoral Strategy on NCDs. Speaking at the launch of the national multi-sectoral NCD strategy along with the third generation Strategic framework on HIV/AIDS, President Masisi intimated that the launch was a clarion call to all stakeholders and the nation to work together to rid the country of the dual epidemics of NCDs and HIV.

Advocating for maternal mortality reduction support from Rotary International Club t...

Gaborone, Botswana – 17 May 2019: As maternal mortality is high in Botswana and a cause for concern for WHO and partners, WHO is on a drive to bring on board as many partners as possible to assist the Ministry of Health and Wellness (MoHW) in their quest to reduce maternal mortality and ensure that Botswana reaches the SDG 3 goal of reduction of maternal deaths to 70 deaths per 100,000 live births by 2030.

The WHO Representative meets the Mayor of Gaborone on Health Partnership

Gaborone, Botswana - 14 May 2019: His Worship Mayor of Gaborone City Mr Kagiso Thutlwe welcomed WR Dr Martins Ovberedjo and Mr Gaborone to his Office and thanked WHO for support and partnership on HIV/AIDS. He intimated that as a council, they have interest in strengthening their work in Health and Environment as well as Non-communicable diseases, emphasizing the fact that the safety and cleanliness of Gaborone is one of their primary mandates. He said the wellbeing of Gaborone residents is their calling.

New interactive technology for real time surveillance quality improvement adopted by...

Gaborone, Botswana – 10 May 2019: The World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa (WHO/AFRO), as part of its effort to support member countries to provide "real-time" data, which could be verified and validated for polio surveillance, routine immunization and field supportive supervision procured and delivered equipment to Botswana’s Ministry of Health and Wellness (MoHW).