Botswana Country Cooperation Strategy 2024-2027

WHO Country Cooperation Strategy 2024-2027 for Botswana

The fourth World Health Organization (WHO) Country Cooperation Strategy (CCS) for Botswana for the period 2024 to 2027 sets out WHO’s strategic agenda and articulates how the effectiveness, efficiency, and quality of WHO work in Botswana will be improved. The aim is to ensure the greatest possible contribution to health and development outcomes. The CCS 2024–2027 aligns with the Second Transitional National Development Plan (NDP) 2023– 2025, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) 2022–2026 for Botswana and WHO’s Thirteenth General Programme of Work 2019– 2025 (GPW13).