Eswatini News

AFRO Regional Director Concludes Historic Visit to Swaziland

Mbabane, 2 September 2005 -- AFRO Regional Director concluded his historic visit to Swaziland today. Dr Luis Gomes Sambo made a two days special visit to Swaziland at the invitation of His Majesty King Mswati III’s government following his successful election as WHO Regional Director for Africa late last year. He arrived by road on Wednesday 31st August en route from Maputo soon after the conclusion of the Regional Committee and RPM meetings. He was met at the boarder by the Hon.

Swaziland Prime Minister Lauds WHO's Technical Support

Mbabane, 9 August 2007 -- The Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Swaziland the Right Honourable Mr Themba Dlamini today acclaimed WHO's technical and financial support in the formulation of the "milestone" National Health Policy document for the Kingdom of Swaziland.

The Deputy Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Swaziland Launches the STOP TB Partnersh...

Mbabane, 24 March 2009 -- Making an expression of commitment at the highest policy levels in the battle against TB in Kingdom of Swaziland, the Deputy Prime Minister, and Mr Themba Masuku launched the Swaziland Stop TB Partnership framework today. The timing was as apt as it was convenient-done on this very day where the world stops to take stock, reflect and raise awareness of the depredation caused by TB.

Swaziland Commemorates the First Africa Vaccination Week

Mbabane 1 June 2011 -- The Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) of the Kingdom of Swaziland Mr Themba Nhlanganiso Masuku with support from WHO and UNICEF launched the First African Vaccination Week today. As a demonstration of the highest political commitment and a call for the people of Swaziland to ensure that their children are routinely vaccinated, the launch was conducted by the Deputy Prime Minister himself under the slogan, “Vaccinated communities; Healthy communities”. He was flanked by the Hon.

Launch of the Essential Health Care Package and Supporting Documents

Swaziland, Mbabane— 22nd February 2012—The Hon. Minister for Health Mr Benedict Xaba today officially launched the Essential Health Care Package. In the presence of the WHO country Representative Dr. Owen Kaluwa, and other representatives from development partners, senior government officials, members of parliament's two Health Portfolio Committees, the regional health management committees, and other health sector stakeholders, the Hon.

African Vaccination Week (AVW) Swaziland

On 17 of April 2013, the Swaziland’s African Vaccination Week (AVW) team organized a workshop for media at the Happy Valley Hotel and Casino, Swaziland.

The main objective of the workshop was not only just to sensitize the journalist and media practitioners on the 2013 package of activities but also to enlist their unqualified support through publicity and advocacy reporting of AVW planned activities.

Making neglected tropical diseases, “neglected no more”

The Government of the Kingdom of Swaziland through the Ministry of Health intensifies efforts to make Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) neglected no more in Swaziland. The Ministry of Health with technical and financial support from the World Health Organization (WHO) successfully held a national high level advocacy meeting on Neglected Tropical Diseases. The meeting was held on the 1st of August 2014 at Mountain Inn Hotel in Mbabane.