Ethiopia News

Ethiopia - Response for Acute Watery Diarrhea outbreak in Moyale town

Moyale town and surrounding kebeles (a kebele is the smallest unit of local government and can best be regarded as a municipality, a neighbourhood, a localized and delimited group of people or ward) have been affected with Acute Watery Diarrhea (AWD) since 7 November, 2015.  The Town is the capital of both Moyale-Oromia and Moyale-Somali Woredas (or districts) and they share a border with Kenya. The town has very high population traffic from different regions, without any restriction to movement.

Ethiopia Marks World Health Day 2017

Addis Ababa, 19 April 2017 – Ethiopia joined the rest of the world in commemorating World Health Day, on 7 April 2017, at Yeka Kotebe General Hospital, a newly inaugurated hospital with mental health services. This year’s commemoration was under the theme “Depression; Let’s Talk” with a special focus on three groups of the population, namely adolescents and youth, women and elderly.

FMOH, WHO Ethiopia Host Early Warning, Alerts, and Response System (EWARS) Training

14 APRIL 2016, ADAMA | The Ethiopian Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) with the technical and financial support of the WHO Country Office in Ethiopia conducts a three days intensive training of trainers on Early Warning, Alert and Response System (EWARS).The training targets regional health bureau staffs that are responsible for cascading the training to the technicians in their respective regions.  This EWARS training is of paramount importance to effectively and efficiently expedite the health response to the current El Niño induced humanitarian crisis. 

WHO AWD Surge Team field visit to Somali Region, Ethiopia

Jigjiga, April 27, 2017 - The World Health Organization delegation conducted a four day field visit to Dollo and Korahey zones from 22-26 April, 2017, as part of WHO’s interventions in the Acute Watery Diarrhea (AWD) outbreak emergency response, in the Ethiopia Somali Region. The aims of the visit are, among others, to effectuate a rapid assessment of the situation and to identify the needs and gaps so as to strengthen the response to the outbreak.

Ethiopia conducted Polio National Immunization Days

The Ministry of Health, with support from partners launched the house to house polio National Immunization Days (NIDs) on Friday, 22nd of April, 2016 to vaccinate under five (0 – 59 months of age) children at national level. More than two years have passed since the onset of paralysis of the last case of WPV in January 05, 2014 and Ethiopia is currently polio free and this continued effort is to re-enforce country’s polio free status.

Ethiopia launched the 7th African Vaccination Week

April 28th, 2017, Addis Ababa: The 7th African Vaccination Week has been officially launched in Ethiopia, in Fitche town-North Shoa Zone of Oromia region on April 24, 2017. The launching was very colorful attended by partners including GAVI, WHO, UNICEF, Core Group, PATH, CHAI, JSI/UI-FHS, Save the Children, CCRDA as well as by the national and local medias. Moreover, Dr. Sabrina CLEMENT, a representative from GAVI Geneva head quarter took part in this important event.

WHO Donates Minilabs to Strengthen Control of SSFFC

Substandard, spurious, falsely labelled, falsified and counterfeit (SSFFC) medical products pose an unacceptable risk to public health. SSFFC medical products affect every region of the world, and all major therapeutic categories of medicines, including vaccines and diagnostics. They harm patients and undermine confidence in medical products, healthcare professionals and health systems.