Helping to break mental health care barriers in Kenya

In a previous stint as a chemistry teacher Dr Gladys Mwiti could not help but notice flagging performance among her students. She would later discover that the underachievement was largely due to unresolved trauma from poverty, domestic violence and abuse.

Forging a path to universal healthcare

In 2018, 60-year-old James Kimeu Mulei suffered a badly broken ankle that left him unable to walk after a violent attack. A few years previously, this story could well have ended with a permanent injury that restricted Mulei’s ability to work and live a full life. 

Quitting tobacco farming to improve health

Dr Francis Manyinza, a senior clinician at the Migori County Referral Hospital in southwestern Kenya, wasn’t surprised when lifelong tobacco farmer Petalis Ouma sought medical care for his chronic cough and ever-worsening chest pains. 

Reginald Omulo, Bean Farmer

Reginald Omulo, a farmer in Migori County, Kenya, noticed that the tobacco farming his community practiced was affecting families’ health and well-being.

Kenya launches road safety initiative to reduce crashes

Press Statement: Kenyan Government, World Health Organization, Bloomberg Philanthropies 
launch new initiative to reduce road crash deaths


Road traffic crashes are a top-five cause of death for Kenyans between the ages of five and 70, and the leading killer of boys aged 15-19.

Kenyan lab boosting Africa’s genome surveillance

Kilifi, Kenya – Amid the soft purr of the air conditioner and glinting LED screens, laboratory technicians inside a sprawling facility on the Kenyan coast peer into test tubes and pore through spreadsheets, hard at work to help propel Africa’s efforts to monitor and detect COVID-19 variants and boost pandemic response.

Launch of tobacco-free farms in Kenya

Hundreds of farmers in Migori County, Kenya will break free from risky tobacco farming and transition to producing more sustainable crops, through the Tobacco-Free Farms Project being launched today.