WHO donates Vehicles, Anti-Leprosy Drugs, and Informatics Equipment to the Ministry ...

WHO donates Vehicles, Anti-Leprosy Drugs, and Informatics Equipment to the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare
Monrovia, Liberia:

On behalf of Dr. Margaret Chan (Director-General of the World Health Organization) and Dr. Luis G. Sambo (WHO Regional Director for Africa), the WHO Country Office for Liberia is very pleased to continue its contributions to the Health Sector, towards improving health service delivery in Liberia

Official opening of Island Hospital: Pictorial news

  1. View of the Island Hospital
  2. Dr. Francis Kateh reading official order of programme leading to the opening of Island Hospital
  3. Dr. Bernice T. Dahn, Chief Medical Officer/RL making remarks at opening of Island Hospita
  4. Hon. Morris Dukuly, Minister of Internal Affairs making remarks at opening of Island Hospital
  5. Hon. Amara Konneh, Minister of Finance making remarks at opening of Island Hospital
  6. Rep. Edward Ford, District #6 Representative, making remarks at opening of Island Hospital
  7. Hon. Dr.

Liberia: Ebola clinic fills up within hours of opening

Last week saw a welcome boost to numbers of treatment places available to people with Ebola in Monrovia, Liberia. The Island Clinic, a private clinic refurbished as an Ebola Treatment Unit by the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare with support from WHO and other partners, opened its doors on Sunday 21 September, adding another desperately needed 120 Ebola treatment beds to the 240 available in Monrovia.

WHO Donates Vehicles to Ministry of Health to Enhance Mobility and Outreach

Monrovia, 10 April 2015 - During the past fifteen years, Liberia has gone through three complex emergencies, two civil wars and currently the Ebola Virus Disease outbreak.  These emergencies disrupted the country’s economy and caused the near collapse of the health sector.   The Government and partners have initiated a number of measures to rehabilitate and reconstruct the country and in particular to restore access to basic health services. 

Local students become active Ebola case finders

Ever since the closure of the university due to the Ebola outbreak, Tony Harrison, sociology student at the University of Liberia, has been trying to help stop the spread of the Ebola virus in his country. He joined the team of active case finders to go from house to house to find out if sick people are being treated.

 Tony B. Harrison is a sociology student at the University of Liberia. Ever since the closure of his university many months ago due to the Ebola outbreak, Tony has been trying to find opportunities to help stop the spread of the Ebola virus in his country.

Working with communities is the key to stopping Ebola

When Dr Peter Clements arrived in Lofa County, Liberia eight weeks ago, from the WHO country office in Monrovia, 20-30 patients were arriving at the MSF hospital with Ebola-like symptoms every day. People living in the community were afraid, civil unrest was simmering, and an ambulance and health workers were being targeted. read the full story


Liberia commemorates World Health Day on 7 April

Monrovia, 9 April 2015 - World Health Day was celebrated in Liberia under the theme ‘Food Safety’, keeping food safe from the farm to the plate. A week-long awareness and sensitization campaign on food safety was conducted in market places, schools and various communities. These activities were targeted at creating awareness and educating the public on the importance of keeping food safe and the dangers of consuming unsafe food.