Namibia strives to provide high quality care for persons living with HIV

The Ministry of Health and Social Services launched the revised National Guidelines on Antiretroviral therapy and the HIV care and treatment package for children and adolescents as the country transition to highly effective medicine for treating persons living with HIV.  The revised guidelines include Dolutegravir (DTG) - a relatively new medicine used to treat HIV infection.

Engaging stakeholders around key achievements in the health sector

The World Health Organization in Namibia engaged stakeholders from the public and private health care to deliberate on key milestones within the health sector and to share the Organization’s strategic direction for the next five years.  This is in lieu of the Organization’s approving a new Global Programmme of Work which sets the tone for the global public health agenda consequently the local office strategy for the country.  

Gearing towards a comprehensive health sector response for gender based violence

The Ministry of Health and Social Services with support from WHO and UNFPA adapted the Clinical Handbook for women subjected to intimate partner violence and/or sexual violence.  The handbook will serve as a stepping stone for transforming the health sector to provide a comprehensive response to survivors of gender based violence.   The adaptation process involved consultation with health care providers, social workers, police officers and civil society organizations. 


Namibia host 2nd National Health Assembly

Namibia hosted the 2nd National Health Assembly on 21 February to take stock of achievements of the past year and coordinate health interventions of partners in the country.  During his opening remarks, the Minister of Health and Social Services, Hon. Dr Kalumbi Shangula, reiterated the government’s commitment towards the health of its people which has translated in major milestones in the health sector.

World TB Day 2019

Global leaders met in September last year to set a roadmap for accelerated action to end TB in line with the sustainable development goals.  This year’s World TB Day theme ‘It’s time’ – puts the accent on the urgency to act on the commitments made by global leaders to:  scale up access to prevention and treatment; build accountability; ensure sufficient and sustainable financing including for research; promote an end to stigma and discrimination, and promote an equitable, rights-based and people-centered TB response.  Despite being declared a major public health concern 20 y

Strengthening surveillance for Guinea worm disease in Northern Namibia

A case of Guinea worm disease (GWD) was confirmed in Angola in June 2018.  The case, an eight-year girl, hails from the Cunene Province in Angola, which borders Ohangwena and Omusati Regions in Namibia.  In response, Angolan authorities, with WHO support, carried out further case searches in three southern provinces of the country, including Cunene.

Namibians run for Health

The World Health Organization (WHO) in Namibia in collaboration with the Windhoek City Runners Club (WCRC) hosted the first ‘Walk/Run for Health’ event on Saturday, 27 April at Daan Viljoen police checkpoint. The event was held to celebrate World Health Day, which took place earlier this month, as well as the 71st Anniversary of  WHO.

New Minister of Health Recommits government to end Hepatitis E Outbreak

The Ministry of Health and Social Services has recommitted itself to ending the Hepatitis E virus Outbreak which has claimed 41 lives since December 2017.  A National Health Emergency Management Committee was activated since confirmation of the outbreak and the Ministry has engaged partners and mobilized resources to respond to the outbreak.  Despite these control measures, the disease persists and has now spread to more than 7 of the 14 regions in the country. 

Graduation of Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program

Twenty four  (24) health care workers graduated from a 3 month programme on field epidemiology and laboratory training programme with support from WHO and CDC.  The trainees were selected from health districts affected by the ongoing HEP E virus outbreak.  Although the programme cuts across public health emergencies and threats, the trainees are expected to strengthen surveillance on hepatitis E virus and improve daily reporting of cases.  The training was a response to findings of the WHO Rapid Assessment report which highlighted active case search and weekly reporting of cases challenges