Vaccine preventable diseases-Key role of Traditional Birth Attendants, the  unsung h...

Abuja, 18 December, 2019 - Mrs Mojisola Shotola is a Government trained traditional birth attendant (TBA) with over 40 years of experience and a force to be reckoned with, in the fight against polio and other vaccine preventable diseases in her community. 

“I help mothers to deliver roughly eight to 10 babies every month, and as soon as the babies are born, I accompany my patients to primary healthcare facilities to ensure the newborns receive their first dose of oral polio vaccine, hepatitis B and every first dose vaccine necessary,” says Mrs Mojisola Sotola. 

Responding to the challenge of drug use among women in Nigeria

Abuja, 9 December 2019 - “I used to be a full-time patient at this facility,” says Michelle Eze, a drug abuse survivor, as she signs her name in the register for a check-up with her psychiatrist at Karu General Hospital in Abuja, Nigeria’s Federal Capital Territory(FCT). 

“I’m so glad I sought help in time as I was dependent on drugs and it cost me so much. It negatively affected the relationship with my family and people around me. I was disowned and left to face this harsh world all by myself. Drug abuse is a problem we should all join hands and fight it.”

Polio Eradication: Africa Regional Certification Commission begins verification visi...

Abuja, 07 December 2019 – The Africa Regional Certification Commission (ARCC) for poliomyelitis eradication kicks off, a two-week visit to Nigeria on 09 December 2019, to conduct critical analysis and verify the accuracy of the certification documents prepared by the Nigerian Government. 

The independent commission has already accepted the documentation of 43 African countries as part of the process to certify the African Region free from all types of wild poliovirus, with only Cameroon, Central African Republic, Nigeria, and South Sudan remaining.  

Malaria control: Households receive over eight million nets in Kano

Kano, 21 November, 2019 - Every time one of Asabe Mohammed’s children fell ill with malaria, she had to scramble to find a way to pay for medication to treat the disease. 

“My children and I usually sleep outside with no form of protection and that has exposed all my children to malaria-carrying mosquitoes,” explains Asabe, who lives in Gwale Local Government Area (LGA) in Kano State. “I had to sacrifice their school fees to buy medicine.”