WHO supports post-shipping testing of Life Saving Commodities

Kampala 3rd June 2015:- The World Health Organization (WHO) donated equipment to National Drug Authority (NDA) to be used for post-shipment testing of the 13 priority Life Saving Commodities (LSC) as described by the United Nations Commission Life Saving Commodities. The commodities include injections, medicines, female condoms, contraceptives and an electric suction pump and are intended to boost NDA’s capacity to test LSC, medicines and health commodities.

9th eMTCT campaign in Teso Sub-region, Uganda

Soroti, 4th August 2015: The 9th Campaign of the Elimination of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV&AIDS was launched in Teso Sub-region at the Soroti sports grounds. The First Lady of Uganda, Hon. Janet Kataha Museveni, who is also the champion of the eMTCT program in Uganda under the Office of the First Lady was the guest of honour.

Uganda carries out Polio outbreak response simulation exercise

Kampala, 21th August 2015:- Ministry of Health and World Health Organization (WHO), CDC Atlanta and United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) conducted a two-day Polio Outbreak Response Table top Simulation Exercise (PORSE) at the Ministry of Health Emergency Operation Centre in Kampala in order to test the response plan and preparedness for the country to respond, to a Wild Polio Virus  (WPV) outbreak.

Uganda Commemorates World Accreditation Day 2015

Kampala, 4th September 2015; Uganda commemorated World Accreditation Day 2015 under the theme ‘Delivering Confidence in Health and Social Care’ with a focus on Laboratory Services and launched the National Accreditation Policy, 2014 at the Metropole Hotel in Kampala.

Day One Bulletin: African Regional Workshop on HIV in Children and Adolescents

Entebbe, 15 September 2015:- The African Regional Workshop on HIV & AIDS in Children  and Adolescents has today opened at Imperial Golf View Hotel under the theme  “Stepping up the case for HIV & AIDS care and treatment among children and adolescents in the African Region”, to review country progress in addressing HIV among children and adolescents.

Mass Measles campaign launched in Uganda

Kyegegwa 12th October 2015: The Mass Measles Campaign was launched in Kyegegwa district at the Humura Primary School grounds under the theme ‘Uganda united against measles’. The key message to parents was to have their children immunized against the Vaccine Preventable Diseases (‘VPDs’).