United Republic of Tanzania News

Ongoing cholera outbreak in Tanzania puts local population at risk

Karago, 4 June 2015 – Tanzania’s large-scale cholera outbreak is not solely confined to the thousands of Burundian refugees who fled insecurity at home. Local Tanzanians have also been infected with the water-borne disease, prompting scaled-up surveillance efforts by the World Health Organization (WHO) and health authorities to trace and stamp out any new cases.

Improved, timely reporting crucial to helping health facilities better respond to Ta...

Kigoma, 9 June 2015 –Tanzania’s cholera outbreak has prompted not just a large-scale health response to treat thousands of people, but also a scaling up of dis

Last week, 25 participants from districts across western Tanzania’s Kigoma region were trained on showing others to strengthen systems to detect and respond to outbreaks in the area, which has been at the centre of the recent cholera outbreak linked to Burundians refugees fleeing into this country.

Strengthening the Pharmaceutical System in the United Republic of Tanzania

The United Republic of Tanzania is one of 15 countries that is being supported by the Renewed Partnership, a collaborative initiative between the European Union (EU), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP), which aims to improve patient health outcomes, achieve health-related Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and attain universal health coverage.

WHO mobilizes 164 500 doses of oral cholera vaccine to help control the cholera outb...

Kigoma, 18 June 2015 – The cholera risk remains high in villages around entry points for asylum seekers in Kigoma region, Western Tanzania. The daily influx of asylum seekers has caused the population in the Nyarugusu camp in Tanzania to swell to over 55 500.

Since the start of the outbreak on 10 May 2015, 4662 suspected/confirmed cholera cases and 34 deaths have been reported. Among these are 129 cases and 3 deaths among Tanzanians, mainly in Kagunga village, Kigoma urban and Karago village.

WHO supports the cholera outbreak response efforts in Dar es Salaam, Morogoro and Pw...

Dar es Salaam, 28 August 2015 - The WHO Tanzania Country Office provided the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare water treatment supplies and disinfectants to strengthen the Cholera Outbreak response in the country. Items handed over included: 1,000 cartons of Water Guard (2,400,000 tablets) and 100 litres of Cresol Saponated Liquid (LYSOL), all worth a total of US$ 21,130 equivalent to Tanzania Shillings TShs 42,260,000.

Cholera outbreak threatens four regions in Tanzania

Dar es Salaam, 4 September 2015 – An on-going large-scale cholera outbreak has left thirteen people dead and affected 815 people in Dar es Salaam, Morogoro, Pwani and Iringa regions in Tanzania. WHO has ramped up its emergency response to support Tanzania's Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MOHSW) to prevent more cases and treat people who have contracted the water-borne disease. But additional resources are urgently needed to contain further spread of the disease.

WHO steps up response to stop severe cholera outbreak in Tanzania

Dar es Salaam, 10 December 2015 – Tanzania's cholera outbreak, which began in late August 2015, has progressively spread to more than half of country's regions, affecting thousands of people. Months into the response, local capacities and resources are overstretched; prompting the World Health Organization (WHO) to classify the outbreak an organization-wide priority, enabling it to deploy additional resources to contain the disease’s spread.

WHO joins Presidential National Cleaning Campaign to stop spread of cholera in the U...

Dar es Salaam, 10 December 2015 - Tanzania is currently experiencing a severe Cholera Outbreak which started in mid-August 2015.  Recently, the President of the United Republic of Tanzania, Dr. John Pombe Magufuli, called on all in the country to commemorate Uhuru (Independence) Day on the 9th of December 2015, by focusing on “a major cleanup campaign aimed at contributing to stopping the spread of cholera in the country”.