Zimbabwe News

Annual peer review and planning workshop for Anglophone national malaria programmes ...

A workshop on annual peer review of progress and planning for Anglophone countries is taking place in Harare from 22nd to 23rd March at The Monomotapa Hotel. The meeting has brought together participants from Botswana, Eritrea, Ethiopia, The Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, South Africa, South Sudan, Swaziland, Uganda, URT Mainland, URT Zanzibar, Zambia, and Zimbabwe, partners in malaria control and facilitators from HQ, AFRO and IST/ESA.

WHO hands over cholera and Reproductive health kits to Ministry of Health and Child ...

In a move aimed at complementing and supplementing the Ministry of Health and Child Care's efforts to step up essential emergency preparedness and response, WHO Zimbabwe handed over cholera and emergency reproductive health kits. The cholera and reproductive health kits are meant to support preparedness and response measures that the ministry is currently putting in place to restock districts and provinces at risk of possible outbreaks of diseases or need.

Zimbabwe successfully hosts RC 67

Zimbabwe played host to the 67th Regional Committee Meeting (RC67) of the WHO African Region from 25th Aug.—1st September. The meeting, which was held at Elephant Hills Hotel in the resort town of Victoria Falls, was de-scribed by many participants as “one of the best RCs,” and “highly successful.” Victoria Falls town is home to the “Victoria Falls” also known as "Mosi oa-Tunya" ("the smoke that thunders") which is positioned almost exactly half way along the mighty Zambezi River's 2700 km journey from it's source to the sea. Here the river plunges headlong into a 100m vertical chasm spanning the full one-and-a-half kilometre width of the river creating the biggest curtain of falling water in the world and also one of the seven natural wonders of the world. Par-ticipants to the meeting enjoyed visits to the falls and the rainforest.

World Breastfeeding Week launched in Harare

Harare: 3 Aug. 2017 - World Breastfeeding week was launched in Highfield, Harare under the theme Sustaining Breastfeeding Together. The event, which was attended by the Highfield community of nursing mothers, UN agencies, and other players in child health and nutrition, aimed to mobilise stakeholders to work together to strengthen existing partnerships and forge new ways to invest in, and support breastfeeding for a more sustainable future. The launch comes amid calls by stakeholders to improve the exclusive breastfeeding rates in Zimbabwe.

Workshop examines study on malaria control in low transmission areas

Harare, 24 May 2005 -- A workshop on the multi-centre study on the consequences of malaria in low transmission areas in the African Region got under way Tuesday in Harare, Zimbabwe.
The multi-centre study is a WHO-supported enquiry, started in 2004, to determine the impact of malaria in pregnancy in five African countries with low malaria transmission - Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Niger and Senegal.

World Malaria Day commemorated, Kanyemba, Zimbabwe 30 May, 2008

Zimbabwe joined the rest of the world in commemorating the World Malaria Day on the 30th of May in Kanyemba, in Mashonaland Central Province.  WHO, UNICEF, PSI and Syngenta were some of the RBM partners that supported and participated during the commemoration of the first ever World Malaria Day.  Other Local partners from the province participated during the launch. Among the dignitaries present were the local MP, National Commissariat from the ruling party, local chiefs and traditional leaders from Kanyemba.  Zambia and Mozambique were also represented during the commemoration.  

Death Announcement - Dr LEE Jong-wook, Director-General of the World Health Organiza...

Harare,22 May 2006 - The World Health Organization Country Representative Dr.Evarist Njelesani and Staff wish to announce, with deep shock and sorrow, the death of Dr LEE Jong-wook, Director-General of the World Health Organization.

Dr Lee had been in hospital since Saturday afternoon, where he underwent surgery to remove a blood clot on his brain (a subdural haematoma). He remained in intensive care until 07.43 this morning, when he was pronounced dead.

2006 - Annual Malaria Conference East and Southern Africa - Accelerating Malaria Pre...

Annual inter country malaria review and planning conferences have shown to be effective in sharing best practices and peer review mechanisms among countries. The World Health Organization Inter Country Support Team on Malaria for East and Southern Africa will be organizing such a meeting from the 14th to the 18th of August 2006. The meeting will take place in Harare, Zimbabwe.