Zimbabwe News

Zimbabwe launches new vaccine during the National Immunization Days

Harare, 21 Sept. 2015 :  The Honorable Minister of Health and Child Care Dr. David Parirenyatwa, in conjunction with WHO, UNICEF, and other partners, launched the National Immunization Days (NIDs) on 21 September in Harare. NIDs are selected days when measles vaccines as well as vitamin A supplements are given to children between the ages of 6 – 59 months, irrespective of vaccination status, and are extra doses which supplement and do not replace the doses received according to routine immunizations.

Dr Okello meets the new Deputy Minister for Health and Child Care

Harare, 21 Sept. 2015 - WHO Representative to Zimbabwe, Dr David Okello yesterday paid a courtesy call to the new Deputy Minister for Health and Child Care, Mr Aldrin Musiiwa at his Kaguvi Building office.  Prior to his appointment, Mr Musiiwa has been a Member of Parliament for Chakari Constituency in Mashonaland West Province, and was a member of the Health Portfolio Committee in Parliament. The new Deputy Minister assumed his new position earlier this month following the recent cabinet reshuffles.

Zimbabwe marks UN at 70

Harare, 21 Oct. 2015 :  2015 marks the global celebration of the 70th anniversary of the United Nations, (UN) which aims to honor the historic breadth of the Organization’s development, security and human rights work. Globally, the “UN @ 70” celebration also aims to unite Member States, global civil society and the many individual women and men working in common cause to enable a strong UN to realize a better world. In Zimbabwe, the UN Country Team organized a series of events to mark the 70th anniversary of the UN.

WHO Hosts Epic UN at 70 Event

Harare, 23 Oct. 2015 - This was the final in a series of events to mark UN@70. The main commemorative function hosted by WHO at the  Highlands compound, was attended by various UN agencies staff led by their respective Heads of Agencies, senior Government Officials, bilateral partners and a wide range of Ambassadors and Heads of Missions accredited to Zimbabwe.

Zimbabwe Launches National Food Fortification Strategy

Harare, 19 November 2015:  Zimbabwe today launched the Zimbabwe National Food Fortification Strategy 2014—2018.  The strategy, which is aligned to the National Food and Nutrition Strategy for Zimbabwe, will serve as a guide at both policy and implementation levels to prevent micronutrient deficiencies. The strategy was developed to address the micronutrient deficiency burden in the country as revealed by the 2012 Zimbabwe Micronutrient Survey.

Advancing Affordable Universal Healthcare

Harare, 1 Dec. 2015: The Zimbabwe Health Professions Authority is one of the best examples of regulatory bodies in Africa, Dr. David Okello, Representative of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Zimbabwe has said.

Zimbabwe Celebrates Innovation in Mental Health

Harare: ,12 December 2015: The Friendship Bench - a brief intervention delivered by supervised lay health workers who have received training in problem solving therapy - a Cognitive-behavioural intervention geared to improve an individual’s ability to cope with stressful life experiences was hailed as a locally developed innovation in the delivery of mental health services in Zimbabwe.

20% of Zimbabwean students using tobacco products

Harare, 28 January 2016 - This was revealed in the summary report of the Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) country report for Zimbabwe which was launched on Wednesday 27th January in Harare. The GYTS was conducted in 2014, and involved a representative sample of grade 7 pupils and forms 1—3 students aged 13 –15 years. It was a questionnaire based survey that consisted of 6,427 eligible students drawn from randomly selected classes from 100 sampled schools with a response rate of 70.4%.

Zimbabweans urged to shun fast foods to prevent diabetes

Chegutu, 7 April 2016 - The call was made during the commemoration of World Health Day which was held at Pfupajena Stadium in Chegutu, Mashonaland West Province. Zimbabwe today joined the rest of the world in commemorating World Health Day under the theme Diabetes is preventable: Empower individuals, families and communities.