Nigeria Media Centre

WHO Nigeria

1. Group photograph with WR ( 3rd right) and the Hungarian Ambassador (middle) after the latter’s advocacy visit to WHO on 17th February, 2016

2. New UN Resident Coordinator, Ms Fatma Samoura (center) with Dr Rui Vaz (2nd left) after her meeting with WHO Country Office staff in Abuja on 08 January, 2016

3. The WR, Dr Rui Gama Vaz and the UN Resident Coordinator, Ms Fatma Samoura

4. Group photo after the opening ceremony of a 2-day meeting for the AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria (ATM) cluster on 15 February, 2016

5. Dr Andrew Mbwe (1st left) with other members of staff at the Family and Reproductive Health cluter retreat conducted from 15-17 January, 2016