Official presentation of new stock of anti retroviral (ARV) at the central medical supplies stores (CENAME): Ordered stock of (10 billion FCFA) ARV to cover a period of ten months, presented to partners, stakeholders and the media

Official presentation of new stock of anti retroviral (ARV) at the central medical supplies stores (CENAME): Ordered stock of (10 billion FCFA) ARV to cover a period of ten months, presented to partners, stakeholders and the media

The Minister of Public Health, Mr. André Mama GM, CENAME presenting the new stock of ARV to the Minister of Health, Fouda presided over the ceremony of the presentation of new stock of Antiretroviral (ARV) at the Central Medical supplies stores (CENAME) May 28th, 2014. The Minister was accompanied by the Secretary of state of the Ministry of Health in charge of Epidemics and Pandemics Mr Alim Hayatou, the Secretary General at the Ministry of Public Health, Pr Sinata Koulla- Shiro. Also present were representatives of the Presidency of the Republic, the Prime Minister’s office, the Ministry of Finance; other officers of the Ministry of Health included the Inspector General of Pharmacy, Drugs and laboratories Dr Loudang Marlyse, Director of Pharmacy, Drugs and laboratories Dr Aristide Ateba Etoundi.

Prominent amongst the partners and stakeholders in the Health sector at the occasion were the WHO Country Representative in Cameroon, Dr Charlotte Faty Ndiaye, the Country Director for the Center for Disease Control, Dr Omotayo Bolu, representation of MSH , members of the Civil society and the media.

The highlights of the occasion included a brief welcome to the premises and the presentation of the new stock of ARV by the General Manager CENAME, Dr Ousmanou Taoussé. This was followed by a word of appreciation from the Minister of Health who acknowledged the fact that the stock of ARV has been acquired thanks to the special support given by the Head of State, H.E Mr Paul Biya and the Public Investment Budget. Minister The Minister of Public Health, Mr. André Mama Fouda explained the importance of the politics of transparency and traceability in the management of these products which are to be given to patients free of charge.

The Minister also used this opportunity to express his appreciation of the efforts made by partners to support government to make available these precious products to the patients free of charge even during very difficult moments. Some of these partners include WHO, PEPFAR/CDC, UNICEF, MSH, CHAI.

The GM CENAME in his presentation of some details, edified the audience that the total ARV ordered is worth 10 billion Fcfa representing 5 billion Fcfa special grants from the Head of State and the other 5 billion Fcfa from the State Public Investment budget. According to him, this order should be able to cover the needs of 130 000 patients for at least 10.5 months for the different antiretroviral treatment protocols in use. At the time of this presentation, the 28th May 2014, these antiretroviral medicines were still to be dispensed to patients.

The number of treatment protocols expected on this date stands at 308 900 and is to cover a period of 2, 38 months. It is equally hoped that as the country moves towards an eventual reduced number of protocols, the tense stock situation due to multiple protocols will become something of the past.

The reception and storage of this huge amount of ARV by CENAME had been well planned taking into consideration the limited space available for this purpose.

It should be recalled that the present medicine order is a giant step taken to avoid or reduce to a minimum the previous tensed stock situations of ARV experienced in the country in a not too distant past. During these periods WHO and other partners worked closely with government to reverse the situation.

The ceremony ended with a group photograph. The Minister of Public Health and other dignitaries granted interviews to the different media present.


Dr Charlotte Faty Ndiaye, WR
E-mail: wcoafcm [at] (wcoafcm[at]who[dot]int)

Dr Samuel Besong, NPO/EDM
E-mail: besongs [at] (besongs[at]who[dot]int)

Madame Barbara Etoa, NPO/HIP
E-Mail: etoankonob [at] (etoankonob[at]who[dot]int)

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