
WHO Nigeria  Cholera Snapshot Bulletin (Week 28)
WHO/Igwebuike K

WHO Nigeria Cholera Snapshot Bulletin (Week 28)

As the lead in global health response, the World Health Organization (WHO) is supporting the Federal Government of Nigeria to curb the ongoing cholera outbreak across the affected states. Although the disease started as pockets of acute watery diarrhoea (AWD) in Bayelsa and its environs, it has now spread to various states in the country including Lagos, with the highest suspected case reported. At least, cumulatively 100 lives of vulnerable persons across 96% of the states plus the Federal Capital Territory, have died due to cholera.

Nevertheless, to ensure an effective, timely, and more coordinated response, the WHO has supported the government across the three tiers (Federal, State, and Local Government
Areas) in activating the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC), with all thematic areas meeting as scheduled. These EOCs across the states are aimed to serve as a hub where activities
will be coordinated, and guidance provided to partners. In addition to activating the EOCs, the

World Health Organization is coordinating partners/key actors to support the government in saving the lives of the affected. As of week 28, at least 25 coordination meetings and high-level advocacy have been conducted in northeast Nigeria and other hotspot states, and more than 10 partners including UN agencies, and international and national organizations are pulling resources to key into the overall strategic goal of saving lives. These high-level
advocacies, especially to the state governors, Commissioners for Health, Heads of Agencies, and Traditional/Religious figures, have yielded results, especially in taking ownership of the overall response.