
Key prevention and control interventions for reducing cancer burden in the WHO African Region

Key prevention and control interventions for reducing cancer burden in the WHO African Region

In the WHO African Region, cancer is rapidly becoming a major health problem and interventions for its prevention and control are urgently required. The fight against cancer has entered a new phase, with the advent of some major advances that can dramatically improve patient care. Many cancer cases could be prevented either by stopping smoking, avoiding certain chronic infections or improving diet and implementing screening programmes.

The WHO remains true to its goal to secure equal access to quality health care for every patient with cancer and prevent cancer by implementing primary prevention interventions. The WHO Regional Office for Africa (AFRO) has already developed a regional strategy for cancer prevention and control to tackle this increasingly important issue. Priority interventions are well defined in the strategy but no strong recommendations are made on the cost effectiveness of key interventions to be incorporated into existing health care systems in Africa. There is a need to provide guidance to countries on how to implement key interventions for reducing cancer burden in the WHO African Region.

This handbook aims to strengthen and accelerate the translation of cancer control knowledge into public health action and serve as a key reference document in developing national cancer control programmes. It is therefore intended primarily for leaders, managers and decision-makers in health and related fields; medical professionals; academic institutions; nongovernmental organizations and, more generally, for all stakeholders who need to keep abreast of cancer prevention and control. It is additionally intended to serve as a clear and comprehensive guide in choosing key and cost-effective interventions to be implemented according to local settings without forgetting what is feasible and desirable. It emphasizes the stepwise implementation of priority interventions in the short term, followed by expanded and optimal interventions to be implemented in the medium and long term within the limits of available resources.

The information provided here was compiled by experts in the field who are fully aware of the situation of cancer in the WHO African Region. This work highlights the fact that many cancers are preventable and all can be controlled even in low-resource settings.