Comores : un projet de santé bucco-dentaire dépiste les maladies cardiaques chez les enfants

Oral health project screens children for heart disease in Comoros

Tanzania prioritizes delivery of oral health services at primary care level

Tanzania prioritizes delivery of oral health services at primary care level

WHO recognition of noma as a neglected tropical disease bolsters control efforts

WHO recognition of noma as a neglected tropical disease bolsters control efforts

Africa burdened with largest global increase of oral diseases

Africa burdened with largest global increase of oral diseases

Nigeria seeks to eliminate severe and often lethal mouth disease

Nigeria seeks to eliminate severe and often lethal mouth disease

Filling the gaps in oral health services in Africa

Filling the gaps in oral health services in Africa

Nigeria commemorates 2015 World Oral Health Day

Nigeria commemorates 2015 World Oral Health Day

Nigeria joins the world to commemorate world oral health day

Nigeria joins the world to commemorate world oral health day