Grace receiving her second dose of HPV vaccine

Protecting girls against cervical cancer in Tanzania

Honorable Minister of Health Dr Peter Kumpalume, MP speaking to participants at the opening ceremony of the TOT cervical cancer capacity building workshop

Stopping Cervical Cancer and other NonCommunicable Diseases in Africa

Participants of the workshop

Eritrea developed cervical cancer prevention and control guideline

WHO staff vaccinating a girl during the occasion.

Tanzania rolls out vaccination against cervical cancer

Participants during the microplanning workshop

Tanzania prepares to provide vaccination against cervical cancer

Participants in the Nimba County Advocacy and Micro-planning meeting

Liberia Successfully Introduces a Vaccine Against Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer common amongst African women

1st Child being immunized 1

First Lady launches the HPV vaccine project for the prevention of cervical cancer

Implementing cervical cancer interventions key to save African women