La Guinée Équatoriale inaugure sa première usine d'oxygène publique

Equatorial Guinea inaugurates its first public oxygen plant

WHO and its partners focuses on strengthening global pandemic preparedness

WHO Country Office Supports Ministry of Health in Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Planning

Anna Mdluli

COVID-19 heroes: Older people taking responsibility for their health

MOHSS and WHO staff at the IPC workshop

Namibia’s infection prevention and control strategies regarded as good practice for health emergencies

Sustaining COVID-19 vaccine and routine immunization uptake in Ghana

Sustaining COVID-19 vaccine and routine immunization uptake in Ghana

Group photo of all the participants at the Polio Outbreak Simulation Exercise (POSE)

Polio Outbreak Simulation Exercise (POSE) in South Africa

World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

Africa to build its own public health institutions to respond better to health emergencies

Integrating COVID-19 vaccines into routine immunization in Liberia

Liberia takes bold step to integrate COVID-19 vaccines into routine immunization

Leveraging Ebola lessons to mitigate COVID-19 impact

Leveraging Ebola lessons to mitigate COVID-19 impact

Integrating COVID-19 vaccines into routine immunization in Liberia

Integrating COVID-19 vaccines into routine immunization