Breast cancer survivor preaches routine screening 

On the path to expanding cervical cancer screening in Kenya

On the path to expanding cervical cancer screening in Kenya

Bringing care closer to eliminate cervical cancer

Bringing care closer to eliminate cervical cancer

In Liberia, better access to cervical cancer screening improving lives of women and girls

In Liberia, better access to cervical cancer screening improving lives of women and girls

Beating childhood cancer

Beating childhood cancer

Zimbabwe updates National Cancer Control Plan to mitigate the increase of cases in the country

Where does cancer care stand in Africa today?

Where does cancer care stand in Africa today?

Towards early cancer diagnosis in Senegal

Towards early cancer diagnosis in Senegal

Group photograph at the commemoration of the World Cancer Day, 2022, Photo Credit_Kingsley Igwebuike_WHO

Stakeholders prioritize cancer awareness and sensitization in Borno state