Comores : un projet de santé bucco-dentaire dépiste les maladies cardiaques chez les enfants

Oral health project screens children for heart disease in Comoros

People engaging in Exercise

Diet and exercises are pivotal in preventing cardiovascular diseases

Frm left to rgt: Mr S.K. Kallichurn, Minister of Labour, Human Resource Development and Training, Dr K.K. Jagutpal, Minister of Health and Wellnes, Dr Sunil Gunness, Cardiologist and Head of the Cardiac Centre and Dr L. Musango, WHO Representative in Mauritius during the launching of activities to mark World Heart Day 2020 on 29 September 2020 at the Cardiac Centre, Pamplemousses

Using Heart to Protect from Cardiovascular Diseases

Launch of the WHO-supported national guidelines for cardiovascular diseases during the World No-Tobacco Day

Kenya launches national cardiovascular disease management guidelines

Pharmacy and medical students in Sierra Leone say No Tobacco

On World No Tobacco Day, partners call for a tobacco-free Sierra Leone