WHO personnel on active surveillance in flood-prone community of Adamawa State.jpg

Nigeria rushes into current flash flooding to mitigate health hazards

Protecting devotion from cholera in pilgrimage sites in Ethiopia

Protecting the devoted from cholera in pilgrimage sites in Ethiopia

A child receives the vaccine on May 27, 2019

Major cholera vaccination campaign begins in North Kivu in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Raquel Mahoque Maguele, Team leader, Health Operations

Dr Raquel Mahoque Maguele, Team leader, Health Operations

Vaccination in Zimbabwe

Cyclone-affected communities in Zimbabwe being vaccinated against cholera

Photo Nieuwenhof

Fast roll-out of cholera vaccines for people in need in Mozambique

884,953 doses of oral cholera vaccine arrived in Mozambique

Cholera Vaccination Campaign Begins in Mozambique

Grace Hyeladi Durkwa talks to young children in their school about how they can protect themselves from cholera in Mubi North, Nigeria (Photo courtesy Grace Hyeladi Durkwa)

Women health champions going where little health prevention information has gone before them in North-East Nigeria

Niger vaccinates 152,000 people against cholera in high-risk areas    

Niger vaccinates 152,000 people against cholera in high-risk areas