Marginalised and mistrustful: listening to people who have few reasons to trust outsiders | Photo: WHO/Chris Black

Marginalised and mistrustful: listening to people who have few reasons to trust outsiders

Uganda Village joins forces to Fight Ebola | Photo: WHO/KISIMIR J.

Uganda Village joins forces to Fight Ebola

Strong involvement of communities in surveillance is crucial to preventing the local transmission of the Ebola virus

Communities and coordination are crucial in fighting Ebola

Alliance M. Honoré is in charge of the Ebola Alert call centre in Goma

Behind the scenes in the Ebola response : The call centre manager

Dr Moeti at a border crossing in Uganda

WHO Regional Director commends Uganda’s Ebola preparedness response

A border-crosser in a wheelchair has her temperature checked at the Mpondwe border crossing point. Photo: Matthew Taylor

Uganda’s groundwork in preparedness bodes well for stopping Ebola’s spread within its borders

Dr. Ramses Kalumbi discusses with the family of a suspected case

Winning the hearts of communities fearful of Ebola

Dario Gramuglia is a Logistics Consultant supporting Ebola Treatment Centres in Butembo

Behind the scenes in the Ebola response : The logistician

Surveillance for ebola virus disease at the border between DR Congo and Uganda | Photo: Matt Taylor

Confirmation of case of ebola virus disease in Uganda

Ebola vaccination in Vighole, 31 May 2019

Local leaders help turn the tide on Ebola