The Director of Public Health, Dr Badu Sarkordie  and  WHO Representative for Ghana, Dr Owen Kaluwa, co-chaired a coordination meeting of partners on responding to the influenza A (H1N1) in Kumasi, Ghana. Credit WHO Ghana.

WHO supports response to influenza A (H1N1) pdm09 outbreak in Ghana’s Ashanti Region

Vehicles were donated to the districts to support rapid response to health emergencies

WHO, AfDB donate 75 vehicles for disease surveillance and emergency response

WHO implements Emergency Response Plan

Participants at the workshop to finalise the National Action Plan on Health Security for Namibia

WHO Namibia supports the Development of a National Action Plan on Health Security

Participants at the Airport for hands on training

Ghana hosts Regional Training of Trainers on Public Health Events Management in Air Transport in AFRO Region

WHO presenter speaks about reporting styles in relation to emergencies

Engaging media for effective risk communication in Seychelles

A WHO team monitor plague surveillance efforts at a seaport in Seychelles together with the country's Ministry of Health. Seychelles has not had any confirmed cases of plague but is increasing preparedness given its proximity to Madagascar and the strong ties between the two Indian Ocean nations.

Madagascar plague: mitigating the risk of regional spread

PPEs were handed over at a ceremony in the capital, Victoria

Seychelles Prepares against Disease Outbreaks

Participants at the training

WHO facilitates training on contact tracing for health professionals and volunteers on Plague

Suspected cases from Seychelles test negative for plague