WHO Holds a Scoping Mission on Epidemic Preparedness and Response (EPR) Flagship Initiatives in Uganda

WHO Holds a Scoping Mission on Epidemic Preparedness and Response (EPR) Flagship Initiatives in Uganda

Participants at the After Action Review were from the Ministry of Health and Social Services, WHO Namibia, Namibia Red Cross Society, Namibia Institute of Pathology, City of Windhoek, Namibia Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Programme, Robert Koch Institute, Farmers Union and Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform.

Namibia Conducts Crimean Congo Haemorrhagic After-Action Review

Group Photo at the National Bridging and One Health Framework five-day workshop was hosted from 4-8 September 2023, Johannesburg South Africa

WHO South Africa Leads the Way Towards a Healthier Future with National Bridging and One Health Framework Workshop

Strengthening ICU bed capacity

Strengthening ICU bed capacity

Namibia team attending the inaugural training on the Epidemic Intelligence for Open Sources (EIOS)

Namibia received an onboarding training on the Epidemic Intelligence from Open Sources (EIOS) community

WHO Ethiopia, in collaboration with the Ethiopian Red Cross Society, delivers vital medicine to the Amhara Region

WHO Ethiopia, in collaboration with the Ethiopian Red Cross Society, delivers vital medicine to the Amhara Region

IDSR Training of Trainers participants showing WHO's dedication to enhancing disease surveillance capabilities and bolstering national health emergency preparedness

Empowering Health Champions: WHO's Role in Advancing Disease Surveillance in South Africa

Health needs heighten as Sudan conflicts displaces millions of people

Health needs heighten as Sudan conflicts displaces millions of people

Josephine Poniso and colleagues in the triage tent at the entrance of the hospital

Bringing COVID-19 screening and testing closer to the community: A case for Katima Mulilo District