Three Central African countries commit to global eradication of Guinea-worm disease

Three Central African countries commit to global eradication of Guinea-worm disease

Surveillance for Guinea worm disease in Northern Namibia

Strengthening surveillance for Guinea worm disease in Northern Namibia

The Minister of Health, Dr Riek Gai Kok addressing the press conference on the Guinea worm cases detected in the former Lakes State

South Sudan reports three new Guinea worm cases in Rumbek North and Rumbek Center

Kenya Certified Free of Guinea worm disease

Kenya Certified Free of Guinea worm disease

 An elated Director of Medical Services Dr Jackson Kioko (centre) and team respond to the news ' Kenya meets the GW Certification criteria' and closer to GW-free status. From left: Drs. John Ogange (WHO), Dr Peter Cherutich (MOH), Dr Joyce Onsongo (DPC, WHO) and Dr Sam Mahugu (MOH)

Kenya meets Guinea Worm Free Certification Criteria

Health Cabinet Secretary Dr Cleopa Mailu (centre) launches the International Certification mission to certify Kenya Guinea Worm free. He is accompanied by WR Kenya Dr Rudi Eggers, 4th left, chairman of the team Dr Joel Breman, 5th left, and part of the rest of the team

Kenya’s chance for Guinea Worm FREE status

Minister of Health, Uganda, Dr Aceng makes her remarks at the opening of the meeting

Countries commit to scaling-up IDSR to tackle guinea worm disease in Africa