Healthcare workers at Chief Jallah Lone Medical Center celebrating WHHD, Gbarpolu County, Liberia

18 Hospitals in Liberia take the lead to prevent sepsis in healthcare

System-wide assessment of efficiencies across HIV, TB and MNCH Programmes in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa

Communication Strategy for National Health Insurance

The WHO Representative, Dr. Nathan Nsubuga Bakyaita (left) shaking hands with the Minister of Forein Affairs Hon. Harry Kalaba after presenting letters of credence.

The WHO Representative, Dr. Nathan Nsubuga Bakyaita presents his credentials to the Minister of Foreign Affairs

Opening remarks from the Director General, Mr Berhane Ghebretinsae

Antibiotics Awareness Week Launching ceremony

The consultants from AFRO posing for a group photo with the WHO Representative Dr Tigest Ketsela Mengestu, UNFPA Representative Ms Sharareh Armikhalili, Ministry of Health PS Dr Simon Zwane and other senior officers from the WCO and Ministry of Health during the high level meeting.

Swaziland oriented on the role of the health sector in attaining Sustainable Development Goals

The Honorable Deputy Ministry of Health and Social Services, Hon Julieta Kavetuna officially launched the Health Accounts Reports for 2014/15

Namibia 2014-2015 Health Accounts Report Launched

Eritrea - Health Facility Standards Validation Workshop

Eritrea - Health Facility Standards Validation Workshop