Dr Moeti calls for greater commitment to access, diagnosis and treatment for children and adolescents living with HIV/AIDS

Dr Moeti calls for greater commitment to access, diagnosis and treatment for children and adolescents living with HIV/AIDS


Message of the Regional Director for Africa, Dr Matshidiso Moeti, on World AIDS Day 2017

Acting WHO Representative Dr. Abdoulie Jack making his remarks during the release ceremony

Uganda releases preliminary results of the 2016 Uganda population HIV impact assessment

RD speaking on OFLA 19th Assembly meeting

Dr Moeti Attends the 19th Ordinary Assembly of the Organization of African First Ladies Against HIV/AIDS


President of Uganda launches fast-track initiative on ending HIV & AIDS in Uganda by 2030

One of the External reviewers, Dr Buhle Ncube presenting the findings of the review during a high level meeting at Mountain Inn.

Swaziland conducts joint HIV/TB/PMTCT and Viral Hepatitis programme review

World TB Day: Swazis Unite to end TB and HIV

World TB Day: Swazis Unite to end TB and HIV


Uganda intensifies battle against HIV/AIDS through the launch and dissemination of consolidated guidelines