New framework launched to eliminate visceral leishmaniasis in eastern Africa

New framework launched to eliminate visceral leishmaniasis in eastern Africa

New framework launched to eliminate visceral leishmaniasis in eastern Africa

New framework launched to eliminate visceral leishmaniasis in eastern Africa

WHO Intervenes to Control Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Outbreak in Somali Region Through Health Worker Capacity Building

WHO Intervenes to Control Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Outbreak in Somali Region Through Health Worker Capacity Building

Indoor residual spraying (IRS) of insecticides is helping decrease the population of Phlebotomus argentipes sand flies that transmit Leishmaniasis.

WHO publishes two landmark documents on leishmaniasis

Dr Sagaki is the medical superintendent of the Amudat hospital, Uganda. He has extensive experience treating VL patients. “Most of the patients have low immunities due to malnutrition; we are not only treating VL but other diseases (TB, Malaria, ...)”

WHO and Gilead Sciences extend collaborative agreement to enhance access to treatment for visceral leishmaniasis