Participants in the cross-border meeting on Marburg Virus Disease.

Uganda and Kenya Hold Cross Border Meeting on Marburg Virus Disease

WHO Health Workers delivering the MVD Solidarity Package to the family of CJ, the second confirmed case.

Local Communities in Kween District Embrace Marburg Virus Disease Control Interventions

Dr Zabuloni Yoti addressing the Kween District MVD Task-force.

Health Workers urged to Work with Communities to Stop Marburg

WHO helps Kenya guard against Marburg Virus Disease

WHO helps Kenya guard against Marburg Virus Disease

The burial team getting ready for transportation and burial of the second Marburg confirmed case in Kween district, eastern Uganda

Rumours, Misinformation and Negative Beliefs underpin the Current Marburg Outbreak in Uganda

The burial team burning the bedding and and clothes of the dead MVD confirmed case in Kween district

WHO promptly responds to Marburg Outbreak in Eastern Uganda

WHO supports containment of rare virus on Uganda-Kenya border

WHO supports containment of rare virus on Uganda-Kenya border


Uganda declared free of Marburg

Minister of Health, Dr. Riek Gai Kok and WHO Representative for South Sudan, Dr Abdi Aden Mohamed addressing a joint press conference in Juba

South Sudan Enhances Preparedness for Ebola and Marburg

MARBURG: UNICEF and WHO support Government’s awareness and surveillance efforts