WHO Team Hands Over Maternity Delivery Solar Kits to the MOH in Asmara

WHO Eritrea Boost of Maternal Health Services

During the handover of the items, Dr Assefash Zehaie, WHO RMNCAH and Dr Berhana Haile, Director of FCH at MoH and other staff

WHO Eritrea Supports the Ministry of Health Maternity Waiting Homes in remote areas with Essential Supplies

Training in progress

Health workers gain new knowledge to help reduce maternal and perinatal deaths in Zimbabwe

A rural health worker performing an ultrasound.jpg

Improving access to quality maternal health services at primary level of care in Cross River State

Internal appraisal of the Child Health Immunization Programme with technical support of WHO

Tracking progress to improve immunization and essential health services for children during COVID-19

National and district health personnel developing the national MDSR Annual Report for 2019

Improving national and district capacity to tackle maternal mortality in Sierra Leone

Dr Laurent Musango, WHO Representative in Mauritius receiving a copy of the National Roadmap Framework To improve Maternal, Newborn and Child Health from Mrs. Shabina Lotun, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Health and Wellness

Mauritius Launched Its ‘National Roadmap Framework’ In View Of Improving Maternal, Newborn And Child Health

WHO Representative, Dr. Charles Sagoe-Moses

Engaging stakeholders around key achievements in the health sector