Breastfeeding is one of the most effective ways to ensure child health and survival.

Working mothers’ share their breastfeeding experiences

Mr Ben Nangombe, ED of MOHSS, with Ambassador of Japan, H.E. Hisao Nishimaki, WHO Representative, Dr. Charles Sagoe-Moses and Deputy Minister of Health and Social Services, Dr Esther Muinjangue

WHO, Japan collaborate to address malnutrition in Namibia

Participants at the Nutrition Symposium

Uganda Government, stakeholders root for improved nutrition

MCH week

‘No woman should die giving life’ – Rwanda maintains focus on maternal and child health


Malawi marks World Breastfeed Week with commitment to step up breastfeeding

Little Abdulnasir is recovering from severe acute malnutrition at Gode Hospital SAM treatment centre. He is now strong enough to breastfeed and take semi-solid foods. WHO provides medical supplies to the treatment centre so that patients like Abdulnasir can recover and enjoy a health life.

Hope and restoration at Gode Hospital where ailing children receive life-saving treatment

Nutrition symposium held in Kampala

The Ministry of Health, WHO, UNICEF and partners commit to advancing the nutrition agenda in Uganda

Nutrition symposium held in Kampala

Ministry of Health, WHO, UNICEF and partners discuss advancing the nutrition agenda in Uganda

Breastfeeding mother

Ghana launches National Breastfeeding Week