A WHO-led assessment to monitor the implementation of the national guidelines on IPC scored three of the five regional hospitals at Intermediate Level.

Safety of patients and healthcare professionals at heart of second national Infection Prevention and Control action plan

Sénégal : faire des structures de santé des lieux sûrs pour les patients

Senegal: transforming health facilities into safe places for clients

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus speaks to staff at Julia Molefhe Clinic in Gaborone during his tour of the facility.

Botswana’s investment in primary health care enhances access and quality of health care in the country

Treating the war-wounded in eastern Chad

Treating the war-wounded in eastern Chad

The WHO Regional Director for Africa reports significant contributions to public health in Africa

The WHO Regional Director for Africa reports significant contributions to public health in Africa

Strengthening ICU bed capacity

Strengthening ICU bed capacity

Health needs heighten as Sudan conflicts displaces millions of people

Health needs heighten as Sudan conflicts displaces millions of people

Stepping up emergency health assistance in Chad as conflict in Sudan rages

Stepping up emergency health assistance in Chad as conflict in Sudan rages

Team Zambia Successfully Trained on Implementation of Patient-Reported Experience Measures (PREMS) Pilot Study

Team Zambia Successfully Trained on Implementation of Patient-Reported Experience Measures (PREMS) Pilot Study