Introduction of malaria vaccines in Mozambique.

Mozambique introduces R21 vaccine, bolstering malaria control efforts

Protecting children against hepatitis B with birth-dose vaccine

Protecting children against hepatitis B with birth-dose vaccine

 WHO Liberia  Expanded Program on Immunization Officer addresses the audience during the launch of the nationwide polio vaccination campaign in Liberia

United Against Polio: Nationwide Polio Vaccination Campaign Kicks Off in Liberia

Enhancing capacity for my malaria vaccine introduction and rollout in Africa through experience sharing

Enhancing capacity for malaria vaccine introduction and rollout in Africa through experience sharing

African Vaccination Week launched in Sao Tome and Principe

Celebration of 50th anniversary of the Expanded Immunization Programmme in Sao Tome and Principe

Umutoniwase Marie-Claire playing with her daughter Ornella

Securing a healthier future: Rwanda's vaccination efforts protect children from polio

Human papillomavirus vaccination in Ethiopia protects over 6.3 million girls from cervical cancer

Human papillomavirus vaccination in Ethiopia protects over 6.3 million girls from cervical cancer

Ghana intensifies efforts towards malaria elimination

Ghana intensifies efforts towards malaria elimination