Participants included 31 PHEOC trainers from 22 Member States of the WHO African Region and the WHO Mediterranean Region

Public Health Emergency Operations Centres strengthened through training

Strong involvement of communities in surveillance is crucial to preventing the local transmission of the Ebola virus

Communities and coordination are crucial in fighting Ebola

Strong involvement of communities in surveillance is crucial to preventing the local transmission of the Ebola virus

Communities and coordination are crucial in fighting Ebola

 22ª Reunião da Aliança da OMS para a eliminação do Tracoma no Mundo até o ano 2020 (GET2020)

WHO Alliance for the Global Elimination of Trachoma (GET2020) meets in Maputo

Alliance M. Honoré is in charge of the Ebola Alert call centre in Goma

Behind the scenes in the Ebola response : The call centre manager

Alliance M. Honoré is in charge of the Ebola Alert call centre in Goma

Behind the scenes in the Ebola response : The call centre manager