Vehicles were donated to the districts to support rapid response to health emergencies

WHO, AfDB donate 75 vehicles for disease surveillance and emergency response

Woman giving PlumpyNut nutritional aid to her child in South Sudan, former Unity State

WHO’s Africa Nutrition Report highlights an increase in malnutrition in Africa.

Vehicles were donated to the districts to support rapid response to health emergencies

WHO, AfDB donate 75 vehicles for disease surveillance and emergency response

Health workers don their Personal protective Equipment

International Health Emergency Response plan on Marburg virus disease


Disease outbreak news update – Marburg virus disease – Uganda and Kenya

IMG_0059-2WHO Madagascar-16-18 Oct 2017-by Hery RAZAFINDRALAMBO_jpg.jpg

Plague in Madagascar - Disease Outbreak News Update

WHO implements Emergency Response Plan

Diabetics in Senegal are using mobile technology to manage their condition and improve their health through the Be He@lthy, Be Mobile initiative. Photo: Government of Senegal

Treating diabetes takes more than insulin: Senegal mobile phone project promoting public health

Participants at the workshop to finalise the National Action Plan on Health Security for Namibia

WHO Namibia supports the Development of a National Action Plan on Health Security

Participants at the workshop to finalise the National Action Plan on Health Security for Namibia

WHO Namibia supports the Development of a National Action Plan on Health Security