
Nigeria battles its largest Lassa fever outbreak on record

School children receive the oral cholera vaccine in Karonga.

Malawi vaccinates 108 000 people against cholera in Karonga

A cross section of officials, health workers and community members at the launch of the IP vaccine in Freetown

Sierra Leone maximizes protection against polio with new vaccine launch

A cross section of officials, health workers and community members at the launch of the IP vaccine in Freetown

Sierra Leone maximizes protection against polio with new vaccine launch

HPV Vaccination

Rwanda Immunization success story

Photo from file

WHO moves to contain Nigeria’s Lassa fever outbreak

Photo from file

WHO moves to contain Nigeria’s Lassa fever outbreak

Dr Teniin Gakuruh, acting WHO Liaison Officer and Honorable Jean Paul Adam, Minister of Health signs the framework

Seychelles-WHO biennial workplan 2018-2019 to further support the country achieve national health goals

Sierra Leone is one of 15 countries participating in the FCTC 2030 project

Sierra Leone to accelerate action on tobacco control with support from the United Nations

Dr Laurent Musango, WHO Representative in Mauritius, pointing out the need for Mauritius to reduce the mortality rate due to NCDs which is estimated to be 23% .

Plusieurs activités lancées au centre de jeunesse de Rivière du Rempart