WHO/P. Haughton

Ebola – a test too far for one little girl


President of Uganda launches fast-track initiative on ending HIV & AIDS in Uganda by 2030

One of the external reviewers from IST Mr Anderson Chinorumba delivering findings of the review during a meeting at Happy Valley Hotel.

Malaria elimination by 2020 is possible in Swaziland

Huge bed net campaign kicks off in Sierra Leone

Huge bed net campaign kicks off in Sierra Leone


Liberia World No Tobacco Day Press Release


Cabo Verde commemorates World No Tobacco Day 2017

Discharge ceremony of the two survivor

Liberia and Guinea discharge final Ebola patients in latest flare-up and begin 42 days of heightened surveillance

One of the External reviewers, Dr Buhle Ncube presenting the findings of the review during a high level meeting at Mountain Inn.

Swaziland conducts joint HIV/TB/PMTCT and Viral Hepatitis programme review

One of the External reviewers, Dr Buhle Ncube presenting the findings of the review during a high level meeting at Mountain Inn.

Swaziland conducts joint HIV/TB/PMTCT and Viral Hepatitis programme review


The Minister of Public Health on mission to Likati with WHO and UNICEF