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A health worker holding a FP/cervical cancer awareness talk in a clinic in Idanre , Ondo State

Cervical cancer - Early detection saves lives 

Around 100 participants from the countries and areas that are part of WHO’s Elimination-2025 initiative, WHO staff from the Headquarters, Regional Officers, and Country Offices, members of the WHO’s Technical Advisory Group on Malaria Elimination and Certification, as well as observers attended the forum.

Working Together Towards Malaria Elimination

Africa emerges from holiday travel season with low number of COVID-19 cases

Africa emerges from holiday travel season with low number of COVID-19 cases

COVID-19 Vaccine Delivery Partnership boosts Sierra Leone COVID-19 Vaccination with USD2.8 million worth donation.

COVID-19 Vaccine Delivery Partnership boosts Sierra Leone COVID-19 Vaccination with USD2.8 million worth donation.

WHO condemns abduction of colleague in Mali

Dr Sagaki is the medical superintendent of the Amudat hospital, Uganda. He has extensive experience treating VL patients. “Most of the patients have low immunities due to malnutrition; we are not only treating VL but other diseases (TB, Malaria, ...)”

WHO and Gilead Sciences extend collaborative agreement to enhance access to treatment for visceral leishmaniasis

Hon- Minister and participants pledging support towards implementation of the strategic plan

Eritrea launched Strategic Plan for the Implementation of Reproductive Maternal Neonatal Child and Adolescent Health – Nutrition and Health Aging (RMNCAH - NUT & HAA) 2022-2026