Featured news

Dr. Yoti handing over assistive products to the Guest of Honor

WHO embraces older persons in Tanzania

Health Workers in the Mubende Regional Referral Hospital where Ebola cases from Madudu district have been managed

Uganda Defines Priorities and Needs in Its Ebola Response Plan

Saratu, a member of the Mobile health team providing essential health service in a nomadic setting in Yobe state.

WHO delivers critical health services to meet basic humanitarian needs of 1 million people 

Supporting Madagascar’s COVID-19 vaccine uptake at 78

Supporting Madagascar’s COVID-19 vaccine uptake at 78

Hajara a caregiver, administering malaria drug to her eligible child

Mothers adopt Seasonal Malaria chemoprevention drugs to keep malaria at bay in Adamawa State

A healthcare provider giving COVID-19 vaccine in Manyara

Closing the gap to boost COVID-19 vaccine uptake in Manyara

Democratic Republic of the Congo Ebola outbreak declared over, Uganda boosts response

Democratic Republic of the Congo Ebola outbreak declared over, Uganda boosts response