Featured news

Democratic Republic of Congo declares new Ebola outbreak in northwest province

Democratic Republic of Congo declares new Ebola outbreak in Mbandaka

Angola bolsters fight against COVID-19 misinformation

Angola bolsters fight against COVID-19 misinformation

Children showing their OCV cards.jpg

WHO  conducts training on the integration of oral cholera vaccine in emergency and preventive situations 

measles vaccination campaign  SNNP

Ethiopia conducts a measles vaccination campaign to respond to an outbreak in three regions

How home-based care eased Rwanda’s COVID-19 response

How home-based care eased Rwanda’s COVID-19 response

Accelerated Mass Vaccination Campaign agaisnt COVID-19 in Uganda

Ministry of Health and Partners Step-up COVID-19 vaccination in Uganda through Accelerated Mass Vaccination Campaigns

Tree planting

Ministry of Health and Partners plant over 100 trees as part of World Health Day commemoration in Uganda