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Democratic Republic of the Congo starts Ebola vaccination

Democratic Republic of the Congo starts Ebola vaccination

Stakeholders discussing QoC for MNCH

Partners call for safe maternal and newborn care on National Patient Safety Day

Launching of activities in the context of the World Mental Health Day 2021, Mauritius

Promoting mental health and well-being to reduce inequality and achieve universal health coverage

Hajara AM

How WHO’s Intervention helped Hajara M.As’ mental health journey

Group photo of senior officials from the Ministry of Health and Sanitation including the Chief Medical Officer, the two  Deputy Chief Medical Officers (Public Health and Clinicals), Directors, Managers and technical and management officials and of their counterparts from the WHO Country Office at the retreat

WHO Sierra Leone concludes joint 2022-2023 Operational Planning Retreat with Ministry of Health and Sanitation

Uganda’s community initiative helping HIV patients overcome depression

Uganda’s community initiative helping HIV patients overcome depression

Access to mental health and psychosocial support services remains unequal for children and adolescents in Africa, alert UNICEF & WHO

Access to mental health and psychosocial support services remains unequal for children and adolescents in Africa, alert UNICEF & WHO