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The WR making a point during the JOR in Abuja..jpg (

WHO renews North-East Nigeria’s Health Emergency grading at highest level, targets >8 million vulnerable populations for increased health services

​Africa’s COVID-19 surge tops second wave peak as vaccine deliveries pick up

​Africa’s COVID-19 surge tops second wave peak as vaccine deliveries pick up

Zimbabwe tackles typhoid with new vaccination campaign

Zimbabwe tackles typhoid with new vaccination campaign

WHO statement on the clinical trial of CVO+ remedy

WHO statement on the clinical trial of CVO+ remedy

Leveraging lessons from Africa’s COVID-19 vaccine rollout

Leveraging lessons from Africa’s COVID-19 vaccine rollout

Inside Angola’s ‘exemplary’ COVID-19 vaccination hubs 

Inside Angola’s ‘exemplary’ COVID-19 vaccination hubs 

WHO Rwanda drivers - A look and feel from the field amid the COVID-19 wave