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RRT field kits handed over

Team Europe partners with WHO in strengthening epidemic preparedness and response to COVID-19 in Botswana

Delegates at the Press Briefing for World Water day 2021.

World Water Day: Nigeria Pushes for Water Quality amidst COVID-19

COVID_19 Update Rwanda

Update COVID-19 25 March 2021

Dr Kofi Boateng alongside Dr Sunny Okoroafor handing over the NHWR soft document to Dr Azodoh at the FMoH_1.jpg

WHO Nigeria hands over the Health Workforce Registry to the Federal Ministry of Health

Queen Ndochinwa, a nursing officer at the Infectious Disease Hospital, Lagos.

Practitioners remain  confident that  COVID-19 vaccine will boost immunity of frontline workers 

WHO urges equitable COVID-19 vaccine access to widen reach in Africa

WHO urges equitable COVID-19 vaccine access to widen reach in Africa

South Sudan receives first batch of COVID-19 vaccines through the COVAX Facility

South Sudan receives first batch of COVID-19 vaccines through the COVAX Facility