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Vaccination campaign aims to reach over 2.8 million children with monovalent oral polio vaccines in South Sudan

Vaccination campaign aims to reach over 2.8 million children with monovalent oral polio vaccines in South Sudan

Genome sequencing central to COVID-19 response

Genome sequencing central to COVID-19 response

Zoom Shot of WR and Dr Zainab Bagudu, Kebbi state’s First Lady.

WHO pledges to support Kebbi State towards elimination of cervical cancer.

WHO- engaged community informant during sensitization meeting in a nomadic settlement.

Community informants employ mobile data collection tools to strengthen COVID-19 surveillance 

Launching of the Maternal and Child Health Handbook to improve the health of Mothers and Babies by  Dr Hon K. K. Jagutpal, Minister of Health and Wellness in the presence of Regional Health Directors, Director General Health Services and WHO Representative in Mauritius, Dr Laurent Musango

Mauritius launched the Maternal Child Health Handbook to improve Mother and Child Health

Dr Kasolo handing over items to the Chief Director of the Ministry of Health, Mr Kwabena Boadu Oku-Afari

COVID-19 patients on admission receive Dignity Kits from WHO

COVID_19 Update Rwanda

Update COVID-19 24 February 2021

West African countries ramp up Ebola preparedness

West African countries ramp up Ebola preparedness