Featured news

Dr Matshidiso Moeti

WHO pledges to support African countries on joint coronavirus disease preparedness and response strategy

Health Workers in Riverine areas of Ondo State, Nigeria

Polio-Nigeria leaves no stone unturned, targets over 55 million children in house-to-house nationwide campaign.

Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr Hon. K. K. S. Jagutpal handing over a copy of the National Cancer Registry Report 2018 to Dr L. Musango, WHO Representative in Mauritius

New Cancer Cases on the decrease in Mauritius


Update on Uganda’s preparedness activities on the 2019- Coronavirus outbreak

Eligible Child being immunizedi.jpg

Enugu State inaugurates Task Force on Immunization, to close gaps in immunization coverage  

Dr Freddy Banza

Working with communities to end Ebola

One of the flood-affected areas in northern Nigeria

Nigeria strengthens capacity to address impact of climate change on health.