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The complex logistics of Ebola response

The complex logistics of Ebola response

The African Regional Certification Commission team listening attentively to the Director, Ibadan Polio Laboratory, Dr Adekunle Adeniji.

The Ibadan National Poliovirus Laboratory – A symbolic icon in Nigeria’s war against polio

Deaths from Democratic Republic of the Congo measles outbreak top 6000

Deaths from Democratic Republic of the Congo measles outbreak top 6000

Border point screening for Ebola

Ministry of Health Lauds Partners for Support during Ebola Preparedness Response in Uganda

African Regional Certification Commission team reviewing immunization data at Orieru Primary Health Care centre, Ibadan North West LGAi

Count down Polio eradication –ARCC concludes verification of documentation in Southern Nigeria.

Opening of the Policy Workshop: Dr (Mrs) J. Sonoo, Consultant Pathology addressing the audience. Seated from left to right: Dr J. Carter, WHO Consultant, Dr B. Ori, Director Health Services, Dr S. Manraj, Director, Laboratory Services and Dr A. Samura, Technical Officer from WHO Mauritius

Building Consensus on the National Laboratory Policy

Measuring blood pressure

Ministry of Health and Social Services trains trainers to strengthen the clinical care of non-communicable diseases at the periphery

WHO Representative, Dr. Charles Sagoe-Moses

Engaging stakeholders around key achievements in the health sector